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Dear Hunters!

The 2024 Manitoba Resident Elk Landowner Draw and Manitoba Resident Big Game Draw opens May 1 and closes May 31!

To fulfill a commitment made to hunters in 2022, the Wildlife Branch has separated the elk and moose hunting licence draws for 2024! The new draw system will enhance opportunities for hunters while ensuring the province can better manage both species.

The Resident Big Game Draw will offer two (2) separate draws for elk and moose, each with separate priority pools. There are also important changes related to the documents that must be submitted with the 2024 declaration form for the Elk Landowner Draw.

For detailed information on the draws and how to apply, visit: BIG GAME DRAW SPLIT

This information can also be found on the Manitoba elicensing website: www.manitobaelicensing.ca

Happy Hunting!

The Wildlife Branch
Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources 

Box 24 – 14 Fultz Blvd., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3Y 0L6

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