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Wayne Klassen inside his shop next to the mobile generators available for rent from Standby Power.

You never know when you might need backup power. As much as you try to prepare for the unexpected, accidents and extreme weather are unpredictable and can leave you in the dark in an instant.

So, why don’t you have a generator yet?

Standby Power owner, Wayne Klassen, explains why installing a power generator should always be at the top of your to-do list.

“In an emergency, many other local businesses will be looking for backup generators to get them through the power outage,” says Wayne. “Knowing ahead of time what your exact power supply needs are and where you'll get your generators from is crucial to saving time and money and mitigating damage and injury.”

The setup process is time consuming, and when you need power NOW, you might not have time to wait for the lengthy installation – especially when countless other homes and businesses are waiting too.

“After a disaster, lights are out, telephones disabled, businesses shut down,” says Wayne. “People may need food, water, heat, and medical attention.”

Having a permanent backup system in place can mean better outcomes in public health, safety, and welfare, even through extended utility outages. On a wider scale, mobile generators of all sizes can help life return to normal by powering schools, stores, offices, factories, and homes while rebuilding goes forward and utilities are restored.

Wayne advises having the following protocols in place:

  • A small store of gasoline, treated with stabilizer so it’s still useable over long periods of time.

  • Keep an eye on your diesel fuel. Watch for algae and condensation; use a tank desiccant snake to ensure you won’t be sucking in water.

  • Be sure your propane tanks are above 60% full. Propane never goes bad, so it’s a wise fuel source.

  • Be sure your generator has been run at least 2 times a year, so it has adequate residual power.

“But most importantly, protect yourself!” he adds. “Never run a fossil fuel generator indoors, and never place a generator by a basement window.”

He continues, “Keep your building temperature regulated, protect basements from flooding, keep security systems running, and always have backup communication methods like phones or radio. You never know what you’ll need when emergency strikes.”

Don’t be left in the dark when the power goes out!

Standby Power is here to help you through power outages and help provide peace of mind, comfort, and safety so you can focus on what really matters to you.

Sales: portables, home standby, power banks.
Rentals: mobile generators, power distribution systems, emergency heaters.
Services and repair.
