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Sanctions and job action may resume following a rejection of the province's offer.

The Saskatchewan Teacher’s Federation (STF) has just rejected the offer put forward by the provincial government, but negotiations are likely to continue. 

Over May 8 and 9, 92.2 per cent of the STF members cast votes, resulting in an overwhelming majority. Ninety per cent of the vote went against the deal proposed as a ‘final offer’ by the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee.  

The offer proposed included a three per cent salary increase in the first and second years, with the first increase beginning retroactively in September 2023, and then a two per cent increase for a third year. The offer did not address the STF’s calls for smaller class sizes and class complexity. 

STF President Samantha Becotte went on record supporting the action.  

“This vote tells students, families, and our Teachers’ Bargaining Committee that teachers are deeply committed to securing a sustainable future for publicly funded schools and for the supports our students desperately need in classrooms,” stated Becotte. “School divisions are finalizing their budgets for next year and they’re indicating that funding is still grossly insufficient. She stated that the students, families and teachers of Saskatchewan need real commitments to improve experiences in classrooms and solutions to address the challenges in education.” 

The sanctions under the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee may not be reintroduced yet however, as the Teachers’ Bargaining Committee has invited them to return to negotiations on May 13 and 14.  

Author Alias