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Manitoba Wildlife Federation Carly Deacon (right) instructs on skeet shooting at an MWF event

If you love the outdoors and you'd love to learn more, then you might want to sign up at the next 'Becoming an Outdoors Woman' weekend retreat that takes place each year at the end of May.

Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) is hosted by the Manitoba Wildlife Federation.  This year marks the 30th Anniversary of bringing BOW workshops to women who love the outdoors!  What's really special about BOW is that women are mentored by other women (yes there are a handful of men if we must), so in that there are no stupid questions because we're letting ourselves be vulnerable with another sister of the outdoors!

MWF Program Director, Carly Deacon, says this year they'll be offering about 45 different workshops, from porcupine quilling to tutorials on how to change a tire!

Yes, there will be some new workshops added to the list, and because of the 30-year milestone, this groups will be kicking up their heels at Circle Square Ranch with a western theme for this kickoff to summer - the annual event takes place the last weekend in May.

"We're going to have a big pig roast and some live music on Friday to celebrate, and then a banquet and live auction on Saturday," explains Deacon. "So, we're going to throw in a few extras for the ladies to bond and make friendships and have some fun!"

The weekend as a whole is divided into the three main categories of shooting, fishing and trapping, the resource-consumptive aspects of harvesting game. "And then we have some sessions that deal with outdoor skills that are not necessarily consumptive skills, like tying knots, ATV training, learning navigational skills, survival skills. So, it's kind of like 1/3 hunting, 1/3 fishing and 1/3 non-consumptive skills."

"All the shooting and fishing and hands on outdoor sessions that we normally offer will still be there, but then we're going to offer a whole host of other skills that allows us to enjoy the outdoors and learn something new!"

The extra workshops include sausage making, cheese making and soap making, outdoor mechanics, how to use the basic tools in your garage, and mushroom harvesting... and there's more!

Please listen to Carly Deacon as she shares more on the BOW weekend taking place May 31-June 2 at Circle Square Ranch.

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Author Alias