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The Restricted Fire Zone remains in place for the southern portions of the Kenora and Dryden districts and for all of the Fort Frances district, but where the northern boundary has been placed has created some confusion.

Portions of the CN rail line serves as the northern boundary for the Restricted Fire Zone, which means some in Reddit and Minaki can once again have a bonfire, while others can't.

"Know where you are in relation to that rail line. If you are north, you are outside of the Restricted Fire Zone and you can have your [fires] two hours before sunset, two hours after sunrise, and throughout the night. If you are south of that rail line, you are still within the Restricted Fire Zone." said Minaki Fire Chief, Robert Creedon.

The forest fire hazard across the southern area of the region remains high to extreme and as of Thursday, August 26, there were 82 fires burning across northern Ontario.

"You can have fires, but be very cautious. We do not want to increase the fire load and cause more danger," Chief Creedon added.

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Courtesy of the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry.

