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Blood donations are sorely needed, especially since COVID-19 has decimated the amount of donations (File Photo)
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File photo.

Misty Shropshire has worked as a medical laboratory assistant for the past 13 years and during her time she’s noticed that not all patients are able or willing to visit a laboratory to have blood drawn. 

Seeing a need in the community, Shropshire decided to start Moose Jaw Mobile Lab Services. 

“I provide laboratory services in the comfort of your own home,” said Shropshire. 

“You don't have to go out to the lab and sit in the waiting room to get your blood work done for your doctor. I will come to you. Take your blood, deliver it to the hospital where it will be processed, and your doctor will get the results.” 

The service costs $25, taxes included, per person per visit and is tax deductible. 

“That includes however as many requisitions or tests you may have, whether there's blood, urine, or stool. It's a flat rate,” Shropshire noted. 

Appointments can be booked by calling Shropshire at 306-690-6993.  

“It's best to give me as much notice as possible, but a lot of times I can make same-day appointments.” 

Working in the medical field for the past 13 years, Shropshire has noticed that not everyone can make it into the laboratory or feel uncomfortable in large crowds. 

“I see people waiting. I see people having issues making the appointments to get into the lab to have their blood drawn and I also see people with mobility issues having trouble getting in and people who are immunocompromised and don't want to be in big crowds of people,” said Shropshire adding that bad weather sometimes plays a role in people missing their appointments.
