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EPYC is putting a call out for more volunteers to join the center (photo by Lemuel Alquino.)

Estevan Public Youth Centre (EPYC) is calling for volunteers who are passionate about making a difference in a young person's life.

Merissa Scarlett, executive director of EPYC, said that volunteering is rewarding for both the volunteers and the kids who benefit from attending the center.

“The relationship you can gain from them and just knowing that a listening ear or somebody who cheers them on and brings them up makes and changes their day, makes them a lot better, and makes them feel a lot better,” Scarlett said.

She explained that volunteering is a great opportunity to have fun and reconnect with your inner child.

“I think a volunteer would have a lot of fun in all honesty, and you’d be able to touch back to a bit of when you were that age and just relate to the struggles that the teens and youth of today go through,” she said.

Scarlett emphasized the importance of having positive role models around the center who want to make a difference in youths’ lives.

“It’s a safe space, it’s somewhere to hang out, make friends. It’s also somewhere for them to just be a kid,” she said.

Those interested in volunteering can visit www.theepyc.ca and fill out the volunteer form 

“Then we set up a meet and greet so you can learn more about the center and what you would do,” Scarlett said.

Following that process, volunteers can sign up for two-hour shifts where they attend the center and play games with the youth. Information is also available on the EPYC Facebook page.

“Just message me on Facebook and we can have a conversation from there or give me a call if you just want to talk it out and come by and meet me at the center and learn a little bit more from there,” Scarlett said.
