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Photo courtesy of MegaVoice.
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Handheld audio players from MegaVoice are being made available for kids with learning disabilities. (Photo courtesy of MegaVoice)

Handheld audio players from MegaVoice can be huge spiritual encouragement to kids, especially if they don’t enjoy reading as much yet.  

Audio Bibles can also bless kids with a variety of special needs. In early May, MegaVoice connected with parents and churches who have special needs children. The event, Make ‘m Smile, comes from the foundation Nathaniel’s Hope; it connects these families to local resources available to them. 

“They estimate that 20% of kids under 18 have dyslexia. Another 13 to 15% have other reading disabilities, which could be because of physical disabilities, [such as] they can’t turn the pages,” Darrel Templeton with MegaVoice says. 

“So here’s [a] possible population among our young people of almost 30% that have some kind of reading disability. We give them, through audio, a chance to engage with God’s Word.”

The handheld players are easy to navigate and full of content geared toward kids. 

“This is a way that parents and grandparents can help their kids with great Bible stories, audio scriptures to help give their kids truth in a way that’s fun and engaging that doesn’t require internet, doesn’t require a screen,” Templeton says. 

If you are part of a special needs ministry, Allen Decker with MegaVoice encourages you to reach out to their ministry, or to groups like Joni and Friends or Torch Trust. Whether you’re looking for help to start a program to reach kids with special needs, or build up an already-existing ministry, they have resources that can help you bring God’s Word to kids!


This story originally appeared at Mission Network News and is republished here with permission.
