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A few dozen people gathered at Crestview United Church on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, for a community BBQ. (Colleen Houde/ Golden West)

About 60 people gathered at a Winnipeg church late Wednesday afternoon to enjoy a summer BBQ.

Susan Gustafson is the ministry and personnel chair at Crestview United Church. She says it's important to reach beyond the four walls of the church

"We are part of this community. It's important that we open the doors and say, 'We're part of the community, come and join us!'" said Gustafson.

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About 60 people took part in a free community BBQ on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at Crestview United Church. (Colleen Houde/ Golden West)

She says Crestview United Church has been around for close to 60 years and it's important to make people feel welcome. 

"We want them to be part of this area, and we want to be a part of this area."

The church is now preparing for its next event, a bake sale on Saturday, June 8. Following that event, Crestview United Church will close up for the summer and reopen in September. 
