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The results are in from SGI’s April Traffic Safety Spotlight, with 316 drivers exceeding the provincial limits for alcohol and drugs, while an additional 170 were charged under the Criminal Code for an impaired driving offence.   

A pattern emerged showing that new drivers in the province received a large amount of driving suspensions related to alcohol and drugs. 

In Saskatchewan, new drivers make up for nine per cent of all drivers but accounted for more than one-third of the total suspensions issued by law enforcement in April.   
Suspensions: 316  
New drivers: 113 (49 alcohol, 64 drugs)  
Experienced drivers: 203 (77 alcohol, 126 drugs)  

New drivers (i.e. Learners, Novices, and anyone under the age of 22) aren’t allowed any alcohol or drugs in their system when they drive. Provincial legislation states that a new driver will be suspended for exceeding .00 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) on a roadside breath test or failing an oral fluid swab for cannabis and other drugs. The roadside swabs fail drivers who exceed 25 ng/ml of THC in their oral fluid. (The same limits for THC apply to new and experienced drivers.) Police are equipped to have the approved screening devices that can determine alcohol and drugs in your system.   

When exceeding the provincial limits, new drivers will lose their driver's license for at least 60 days, along with their vehicle impounded for 72 hours. Experienced drivers receive a three-day suspension for a first offence for a BAC between .04-.08 or else failing a roadside oral fluid swab.    

New drivers are reminded to always drive sober. When using alcohol or drugs, always plan a safe ride home.   

Other results from April’s Traffic Safety Spotlight included     

-4,203 tickets for speeding and aggressive driving offences  
-381 tickets for people not wearing a seatbelt, or not using the proper car seat or booster  
-573 tickets for distracted driving, including 465 for using a cell phone. 

Author Alias