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June 2, 2024

There was a report of a female yelling for help on Saturday night. The matter turned out to be two intoxicated people being loud and that help wasn't required. Both were sent home with reminders of the noise bylaw. 

A breach of conditions charge was done after a male failed to be home at a specific time for a curfew check. 

Police responded to a report of a person receiving threatening messages. A statement was obtained and the matter is under investigation.

A 'no contact' condition was breached in an apartment north of town. Police responded and was able to find a resolution. 

June 1, 2024

An erratic driver was found on Highway 39 heading towards Estevan. After patrolling the area, EPS was not able to find the individual. 

Police responded to a report of a domestic disturbance between a couple that was going through a divorce. They were able to assess and mediate the situation. 

May 31, 2024

Two separate drivers were handed 72-hour driving suspensions and had their vehicles impounded after being tested positive for THC while driving. 

Police spoke to a woman outside of a hotel after a suspicious person was reported. No further action was required. 

A report of a vehicle being taken from the driveway of a house north of the city is currently being investigated. 

Police attended a residence after a call regarding a domestic dispute. EPS officers were able to mediate a resolution and both parties remained at the residence.


Author Alias