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The Manitoba Livestock Marketing Association (MLMA) is pleased to see the strong cattle market continue into the summer months.

Executive Administrator, Rick Wright, says butcher cows are exceptionally strong.  "We're seeing them at the $1.80 to $2 range for cull cows, that's the record that I've seen.  I've never seen them that high in all the years that I've been in business."

Wright says the feeder cattle volumes are starting to dwindle down now in these summer conditions, turning them out to pasture to get in on all that lush grass. Quite a few auction marts have closed down for the summer months or going every second week due to decrease in volume.

"But the cattle that are being sold are still bringing in very, very strong prices and the outlook for Fall looks very, very good," he says. "I would say at this particular time we're going to see as strong as prices as we saw in September and October of last year, this year and possibly even stronger."

"I know the crop is looking fairly good at the start here, and of course the grain prices have been coming down a little bit and that makes cheaper feed for the feedlots.  And if they've got cheaper costs to gain allows them to pay a little more for the cattle, and we've got record high fed cattle prices now."

Wright notes Ontario cattle producers are challenged by the close to 1000 Cargill workers on strike now going on a month.  The challenges come as to what to do with cattle ready for market: pay extra transport costs to ship them elsewhere or hang on to them while waiting out the strike.

"This strike is causing some grief in the fed cattle market for some of these guys getting their cattle killed in a timely fashion," says Wright.  "But all in all it looks very, very promising for the Fall here. There's still a lot of optimism in the cattle business."

With the recent series of rains over the past month reservoirs and ponds are looking healthy again, and pastures are lush.  However, cattle and grain producers might be feeling nervous of more thunderstorms coming their way. 

"It's been very reasonable but certainly we are getting to the point where we have enough rain in some areas to get us through here for a while," says Wright. "Producers would like to start making some hay here shortly, and also harvesting some fall rye, these types of things, and it's been very difficult. The fall rye is starting to turn yellow because there's too much moisture."

"So, we've got adequate starting positions for the pastures for sure," he adds. "The cattle guys are really happy, the streams are running, and the grass is green, but I fear there are a few crops that haven't been planted yet, and for the guys in the grain business, enough is enough here for the next little while."

The Manitoba Livestock Marketing Association will be holding their annual Cattlemen's and Farmers Golf tournament on Thursday Aug 1, 2024, at the Killarney Lakeside Golf course.  Due to the popularity of this event legacy teams that golfed last year have their spots in the tournament held until July 1st.  Your team will be considered entered after payment is received.  After July 1 the remaining spots will be given to new teams.  Entries are required to be repaid.

 Please EFT payment to mblivestockmarketingassoc@gmail.com  and return the entry form to this email address.  $150 per golfer

The Killarney course is in great shape this year!  If you don't have a foursome we will get you on a team.  This is a non-competitive fun day at the course with lots of prizes (random draws), refreshments and a great steak supper.  Don't delay as this event sells out every year.  The tournament is open to teams or single player entries. Both male and female players are welcome. 

Author Alias