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Moosomin MLA Steven Bonk
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Steven Bonk has served as the MLA for the Moosomin area since 2016.

The southeast will seek a new Conservative MP taking the reins after the next federal election.

As announced on July 8, current MP Robert Kitchen will not be up for re-election, and instead, the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) will be looking at a group of nominees.

One of those nominees is Steven Bonk, who has served as the MLA for the Moosomin area since 2016.

Bonk says that he wants to get to Ottawa to help the country.

"I'm very excited to help out any way I can in Ottawa. I feel that there's a lot that needs to be done. The current government that we have, the Liberal government has done so much damage to this country and I'm so excited to be part of Pierre Pollievre's team, and I share his vision completely for what Canada could be."

As the former Minister of Economy and Trade under Premier Brad Wall's Sask Party, Bonk says his experience will be helpful.

He'd also be looking forward to spending more time with a wider constituency.

"Right now I represent roughly 1/3 of the Souris-Moose Mountain constituency. Growing up in this part of the country, I'm all over this constituency, I've worked there in my professional life, and grew up playing sports all over. I have so many contacts throughout the cattle and energy business through here, throughout southeast Saskatchewan. So I'm looking forward to serving people here and doing anything I can to help promote southeast Saskatchewan and all we have to offer."

Bonk says that if he's selected for the position then he'll focus on expanding international trade around the southeast.

"I don't think there's a part of Saskatchewan that relies more heavily on international trade than southeast Saskatchewan, and that's a bit of a passion of mine. I've got 25 years of international experience in trade and agriculture policy, and that's something I would like to bring to the floor and if I have the chance to serve, that's something I hope that my experience could be used." 

Bonk thanked Dr. Robert Kitchen for his work in the community and said he was excited to be a part of the process.
