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Harvey Schindel, Irma’s nephew, and Debbie Lipinski, Tom’s niece celebrate the opening of Tom & Irma's Cafe at St. Joseph's Hospital.

St. Joseph’s Hospital celebrated the legacy of Tom and Irma Trofimenkoff on Tuesday with a cake and coffee event to mark the opening of Tom & Irma’s Cafe, a new addition dedicated to the beloved couple known for their generosity and presence within the hospital community.

Lori Gervais, executive director of the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation, explained that the Trofimenkoffs frequently visited the hospital, regularly enjoying lunch with friends and staff, or just visiting in general. 

“They donated to several charities, including those in Regina. When they passed away in 2020, they left a legacy that will be greatly remembered within the walls of St. Joseph’s. We wanted to do something here in the hospital to honour them,” said Gervais.

Debbie Lipinski, Tom’s niece, and Harvey Schindel, Irma’s nephew, attended the celebration and expressed their happiness that the Trofimenkoffs’ legacy will be remembered.

Tom and Irma's Cafe includes a dedication wall that highlight's the couple's passion for travelling and includes stories from their travels and Irma’s handwritten letters from the countries they have visited. 

“It wasn’t just ocean cruises; they took river cruises all through Europe. I think the only continent they didn’t visit was Australia,” said Schindel. The Trofimenkoffs had planned a trip to Australia before Tom suffered a heart attack.

Lipinski and Schindel mentioned that the Trofimenkoffs were not flashy and had declined to have wings or other areas named after them but thought the hospital cafe would have meant a lot to them.

“We’re proud of the things they’ve done. They were very generous with the community and with Regina Hospital. It’s good to see their legacy,” said Schindel. 

“As their executors, we wanted to see and hear about what the money was going to. It’s been awesome. Every group has done so many good things,” added Lipinski.

Schindel added that the cafe is not the only upgrade completed at the hospital. “A lot of their donations went to upgrade long-term healthcare at the hospital. Much of the refurbishment has been because of Tom and Irma.”

“They contributed to the Regina Foundation as well, and their names are on the wall there. It makes us proud of the good things that have come from their contributions,” concluded Lipinski. 
