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The City of Estevan is laying out plans, as the southeast gets hit with the first heat wave of the year. (File photo)

The first heatwave of the year has come to Estevan and City Hall is laying out a plan to protect the community. Environment Canada has issued a 'heat warning' for much of the southeast, with temps expected to reach a blistering 33 degrees Celsius, lasting for a few days.

"We've gone from cool weather to now - boom - in the 30's, so that's quite an extreme. We have a cooling center and that's always been our Leisure Center. If anybody feels that they need to come over, they're more than welcome. The facility opens at 6:00 in the morning till 9:00 at night. So, come on over [and] cool down for sure," shared Safety Coordinator Helen Fornwald. 

On the City's website, the Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) offered the following tips to stay cool.

  • Slow down, your body can’t do its best in high temperatures

  • Get out of the heat and into a cooler place as soon as you begin to feel too warm

  • Drink plenty of water to keep your body from dehydrating.

  • Maintain salt levels in your body. If you’re on a salt-free diet, check with your doctor.

  • Avoid high protein foods. They increase your body’s water loss and heat production.

  • Dress appropriately in lightweight, light-colored clothing.

  • Avoid getting sunburned, it restricts the body’s cooling system.

In a statement sent to DiscoverEstevan, the EMO is also looking out for other problems that could arise during a heat-related event. Alerts for power outages, water shortages or boil water advisories, or air quality alerts will be communicated to the community, should the issue arise. Also, the City is actively monitoring vulnerable communities to ensure their safety during the heat event. 

Stay up-to-date with the ongoing heat wave here or download the DiscoverEstevan app. 
