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Estevan's leisure Centre will be open to give people a place to cool down.

With another day of extreme heat for the southeast on the schedule residents are reminded to keep cool however they can.

City Safety Coordinator Helen Fornwald says that the city's plan that they put forward for heat responses is something most people should follow.

She describes some of the steps people should take during hot weather.

"With extreme heat, we want people to slow down and your body can't do the best in high temperature. So get out of the heat and get into a cooler place as soon as you begin to feel too warm and drink plenty of water for your body, for dehydration. Maintain salt levels in your body, avoid high-protein foods, and dress appropriately."

"We really want you to avoid getting sunburnt. It restricts the body's cooling system and just with our thunderstorms and our hail storms and the severe wind and rain, we just want to make sure everyone's got eyes on the sky and tune into our local radio station for updates."

if people want some help getting away from the heat they can do so by visiting the leisure centre which has enough air conditioning to keep people cool.

"Our cooling centre is the leisure centre. It's a place for anyone who is overheated and has nowhere to go as it's always open. It's usually open at six in the morning till nine at night. So the public is welcome to go there and cool down."

The city will also stay alert for any severe weather that could come along with that system.

"We need to monitor the weather for 24 hours a day. Say if a severe storm is on the way, we'll usually let everybody know and there's two types. There's the weather watch and the weather warning."

"The watch is favorable for a severe storm to develop. These are usually early in the morning. It's a good idea to pay attention and listen to our local radio station and TV for updates, and then the warning, of course, means severe weather is happening and that severe weather conditions are likely to occur."

Fornwald recommends people keep an eye out for any neighbours or friends who might need help staying cool through the warning.
