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Photo by Ali Rizvi on Unsplash
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A man was recently murdered in Pakistan for his Christian faith, leaving behind a wife and four children. (Photo by Ali Rizvi on Unsplash)

A mother with four children has been left a widow after some neighbour men broke in and killed a Christian father in Pakistan. 

Marshall, his wife Mehdi, along with one son and three daughters live in Patiala House Race Course Kachi Abadi in Lahore, Pakistan. Marshall's father, Yaqoob Masih, shared details of the murder with the Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS). 

"Two Muslim boys, our neighbours Shani and Azam, entered our house from the roof at around 4:20 a.m. They came in with two unknown accomplices."

After entering the house, the assailants found Marshall and started shooting. 

"We were all in a deep sleep when they broke in. As soon as they reached us, they started firing at my son from different angles. Despite our cries for help, they kept shooting until my son fell to the ground, fatally wounded. Neighbours arrived after hearing the gunfire and our screams, but the attackers managed to escape."

While Marshall was brought to the nearby hospital, he succumbed to the injuries that the 15 bullets left in his body. The grief-stricken community has surrounded the family and went to the streets in protest, demanding justice by appealing to the Chief Minister of Punjab.

Marshall was the sole provider for his family, running a small grocery store from their home. The family are members of the Catholic Cathedral Church in Lahore.

While the community has been vocal about getting justice for the murder, the police have still made no arrests. According to CLAAS, the family and the local Christian community wait anxiously for the authorities to bring the culprits to justice.
