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lori carr ministry of highways
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Carr has been Estevan's MLA since 2016, coming in a year after kitchen became the MP for Souris-Moose Mountain.

Other political figures in the southeast are looking back at their work with Souris-Moose Mountain MP Robert Kitchen following his announcement that he won't be running for reelection in 2025.

Estevan MLA Lori Carr has been serving the southeast since she was elected in 2016, serving nearly the same period as Kitchen who was elected in 2015.

Carr says that Kitchen has done well with his time in office in the southeast.

"I think Dr. Kitchen has served his constituents of Souris-Moose Mountain with great passion and over the 10 years he has sacrificed time with family and friends so that he could serve those constituents. I truly thank him for his service and wish him well as he retires, and of course, good luck with whatever comes next."

Over those years of working with Kitchen, Carr says that they've worked together to do great things for the community.

"We obviously have some very common interests with the industries that are in Souirs-Moose Mountain, whether that be the coal mining, the oil and gas. I'm always fighting for the rights of those workers in those industries. Obviously, the carbon tax, we are very aligned on. So just having the opportunity to work with him on all of those common goals has been great for me."

The next Conservative Party Candidate for the region will be determined through a nomination and voting process over the coming months.

Carr hopes that whoever steps into that role will appreciate the southeast's industries just as much as Kitchen has.

"With someone that's going to replace Dr. Kitchen, obviously I'm looking at the Souris-Moose Mountain in the Estevan area, specifically someone that's truly going to work on getting regulations that are going to work best for the industries in this area which include the oil and gas and of course, coal."
