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Bella Thomson passed away on July 14, 2024, after spending most of her short life in and out of hospital. (Bella Brave/ Facebook)

A young Saskatchewan girl who spent most of her life in and out of hospital has died.

Bella Thomson who was born with three rare conditions, spent hundreds of days in the hospital and had over two dozen surgeries including a bowel transplant in August of last year.

Bella suffered from Hirschsprung disease, a bowel disorder that has necessitated several surgeries, along with immunodeficiency and cartilage-hair hypoplasia.

In March of this year, Thomson was rushed to hospital after suffering from sepsis. She recovered and was sent home before returning to the hospital once again in May. 

"Since having Bella, she's just strengthened my faith. I've grown a stronger craving for God because I know I need him whether things are easy or hard," said her mother, Kyla on Instagram.

For almost two months, doctors worked tirelessly trying to figure out what was causing her fevers and shortness of breath. Just four days ago, doctors concluded that it was likely a rapid fibrosis-like deterioration of her lungs, likely caused by an immune response.  

Bella was put into a medically induced coma while her mother asked for prayer. 

"We are praying and believing we have stopped the fibrosis attack on her lungs, in enough time, that still allows her lungs to heal & function again. This wait is beyond unbearable," said Kyla.

On Sunday, just after 4 p.m., Bella passed away with her parents surrounding her. 

"Our brave girl left her legacy here on earth to dance on streets of gold," said Kyla. "Please keep her name on your lips, her memories alive and her bravery in your hearts. Bella would want you to remember; that God is love, be brave and you are never too old to bring a stuffy."

Bella was 10 years old. 
