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File photo from the most recent bike rodeo.

Summertime always sees more biking and pedestrian traffic on the streets. While getting around in this way, there's a few safety considerations to keep in mind.  

Constable Melinda Mintenko offers best practices when traveling as a pedestrian.  

“It's important for pedestrians to make eye contact with drivers to ensure that they're seen. It's always good when you're walking around to wear bright and light-colored clothing, sometimes reflective stripes and such. If you're going to walk in dark conditions make sure that you obey pedestrian signals and only use crosswalks at marked cross-intersections if possible. Watch for vehicles turning at intersections or backing out of driveways.” 

Mintenko stresses the importance of avoiding distractions, even when traveling on foot. 

“In all just be aware of your surroundings and try to avoid distractions like texting or wearing earphones when you walk around. It's very important to pay attention when you're walking, be confident as you walk and find your way home safely.” 

Bikes, on the other hand, are considered a vehicle and behave similarly on the road. Bikes should always be ridden on the right-hand side of the road in a single file, and ride one meter away from all parked vehicles. Bikes are never permitted to carry passengers and must yield the right of way to pedestrians. 

“As you cycle, be courteous of other cyclists, pedestrians and motorists. We're all out here trying to share the road. Sometimes when we're out and about in the elements, it gets hot, and we want to get going where we need to pretty quickly. It's important to stay focused and pay attention to our surroundings so we get where we need to go safely and above all just have fun on your bikes. It's such a great way to get exercise, a really fun thing to do with your family and a really economical way to get around to where you need to go.” 

Different times of day also play into bike safety. Visibility is crucial when cycling at night. 

“If you're going to cycle at night, make sure that you wear bright and reflective clothing when you do it, and you are required to have a white light in the front of your bike and a red light in the back your bike.”   

Aside from behaviors on the road, cyclists should also consider that the bike's condition also plays a role in bike safety. Always ensure your bike is in proper working condition. A fair number of bicycle thefts have also been reported in the last few years, so remember to lock up your bikes and store them in a garage or shed if possible.

And of course, whenever you go out on a bike, wear a helmet.  

“Please wear your helmet, whether you're a child or adult, set a good example for your kids. When you hop on your bikes with them, I'd like to see you wearing your helmet as well. I know I always do when I go out with my kids. To me it's just not worth the risk. Accidents can easily happen. Protect your head and stay safe.” 
