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Estevan Golden Eels held a successful home swim meet over the weekend.

Over 120 swimmers from eight clubs participated in the invitationals hosted by the Estevan Golden Eels Swim Club over the weekend.

Scott Walton, president of the Golden Eels Swim Club, said the day was a big success, bringing in over 300 spectators to cheer the athletes on.

“We had some great performances from swimmers from all clubs. It was a very successful day, and I know the kids had a lot of fun. The meet was well-run and organized,” Walton said.

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“Our female swimmers were the top out of all the clubs that competed. They scored 306 points, with the next closest being Weyburn with 266 points. Our female swimmers were very successful at the meet and represented themselves well.”

Keomi Mazo, scored 35 points putting her in first for the 7-8 division. With Rose Chabot scoring 26 points, landing in the third.  

In the 9-10 age division Charlie Pyra, received highest points, earning 28 points for the Eels. In the 11-12 age division, Isabelle Pyra landed in second with 30 points for her team.  

The 15-17 age division saw a three-way tie, between Rachel Duncan, of the Eels, Lily Popescu and Tamberly Kreger of the Weyburn Silver Seals who all received 28 points. Folllowed by Mahlyn Bomberak of the Golden Eels who scored 23.  

The Regina Piranha Swim Club came in as the top club for male swimmers with 370 points. Walton noted that Estevan has a smaller male swim club, but they were able to place third with 125 points despite the smaller team.

He also noted that the Eels have implemented a new timing system, the first of its kind in the province.

“We had a lot of success and interest in that. We actually had some representatives from other clubs come to see our new timing system, and they are interested in purchasing it for their programs,” he added.

The Golden Eels have been hard at work preparing for the upcoming semifinals in Weyburn next weekend, while a few swimmers are getting ready to represent the club in the upcoming Saskatchewan Summer Games.
