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It's recommended to stay hydrated through the extreme heat forecasted for next week.

Temperatures are expected to heat up significantly next week getting well into extreme heat criteria.

The beginning of that heat will be relatively normal, with a few days hanging around our current temperature.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Brian Proctor says those temperatures are spiking rapidly in the middle of the week.

"We're seeing those temperatures sticking around the 30 mark for the beginning of the week, then going up to 35 and 36 at the middle of the next week."

The current heat warnings in western parts of the prairies will be settling onto the southeast during that mid-week heat blitz.

"It's going to be a fairly warm air mass. We've got really much of Alberta, British Columbia at this time covered with heat warnings and we're slowly seeing that upper ridge edge off to the east and that's really what's beginning to push that warmer air over top of the southeast."

Proctor expects a formal heat warning to be issued sometime Monday or Tuesday, once Environment Canada has a better understanding of just how the warmth will work.

Environment Canada will especially warn people about the overnight lows being especially high, which Proctor says can be dangerous.

"I think that that's probably one of the biggest concerns with this pattern. We'll probably see those overnights at that sort of 16-to-18-degree mark sort of Tuesday onwards and associated with that. Our bodies don't recover from the daytime heat stresses they're likely to see, it sort of compounds the issue. So I would expect that to be particularly threatening as we move into sort of the middle of next work week in towards the end of the work week."

Proctor advises people to watch for any heat warnings from Environment Canada with the temperature expected to rise so high.

"I think one of the important things is just to listen for the updated warnings when we get a better feel for how fast those temperatures are coming in and really look at what your behavior is and how you're dealing with things once that heat onset sort of hits."

"One of the important things is staying as hydrated as possible and if you can look at shifting your work day a little bit to earlier morning hours after late evening sort of hours as opposed to trying to work through that peak at the heat in the late afternoon, early evening."
