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Water restrictions are in place for The Town of Sylvan Lake

Stage 2 water restrictions are activated as of 10:00 PM, July 19, 2024. High water usage has exceeded the ability of the reservoir to refill. The recent callout to reduce water usage was unsuccessful. Since we are using water faster than the wells can refill, we must enter restrictions.

The next update is on Monday, July 22, 2024. If our community does not act now to conserve water, the Town must enter stage 3 water restrictions on July 22, 2024. Stage 3 includes a full ban on all outdoor water use and may include other measures.


  • Watering gardens, trees, grass and shrubs with a watering can, drip irrigation or watering by hand with a hose

Not allowed

  • Lawn watering with automatic sprinkler/ irrigation systems
  • Outdoor washing of windows, driveways, sidewalks, walkways, decks, and exterior building surfaces
  • Filling fountain, pools, ponds, and hot tubs
  • No car washing (at home)

Conserve water

  • Keep personal hygiene showers short and within the hours of 7:00 PM – 10:00 AM
  • Run dishwashers and washing machines during 7:00 PM – 10:00 AM, full loads only
  • Flush only when needed. If it’s yellow let it mellow

The Town is also conserving
