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A stenciled and painted alphabet tree at the High River Public Library.
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A stenciled and painted alphabet tree at the High River Public Library.

One way to enjoy High River, even in this heat wave, is with a walk through town.

The Town of High River teamed up with JumpStart, the Parks and Rec Division, the Public Works Division, and the Community Vitality Advisory Committee (CVAC) to help beautify the town.

You might've already noticed some of the new sidewalk installations and some of the utility boxes have already been decorated with historical photos of High River.

The Museum of the Highwood supplied the historical photos to help beautify and showcase the history of the area.  The new utility wraps have a QR code you can scan to learn about the history behind each photo.

You can also get out and keep active with some new stencilled installations on some of the sidewalks. 

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Splash Hopscotch in front of the Bob Snodgrass Rec Plex.

Here are where some of the new installations are:

  • Bob Snodgrass Recreation Complex (BSRC): Try out the Splash Hopscotch along the pathway on 12 Avenue.
  • High River Library: Discover the Tree of Knowledge at the pathway entrance.
  • Dinosaur/Purple Park: Follow the Dino Footprints at the entrance and along the pathway.
  • Bishop Dog Park: Cross the street to the park on Dog Paw Prints.
  • Greater Foothills Family Centre: Play with the Shapes Swirl, Snail Hopscotch, and Frog Hops around the playground and side door pathway.
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Dog paw prints join with the crosswalk to Bishop's Dog Park.

And of course, the Happy Trails are also open for everyone and if you're looking to beat the heat, the indoor walking track at the Bob Snodgrass Rec Plex is free and open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekends.