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intense heat is expected over the next couple of days in the southeast.

Environment Canada has issued a heat warning for the southeast, with temperatures expected to rise rapidly over the next two days.

Daytime high temperatures reaching 32 degrees Celsius and above, and overnight lows near 16 degrees Celsius are forecast over the next several days. Humidity will also be noticeable, with humidex values likely exceeding 38.

The slow-moving ridge of high pressure responsible for bringing the extreme heat into Saskatchewan is expected to reach a peak on Thursday, collapsing soon after. 

People are asked to stay out of the sun during the peak hours of 11 AM - 3 p.m., whenever possible. Anyone who needs to be outside should wear appropriate sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and light, loose-fitting cotton clothes.

Avoid any extreme physical exertion and keep in the shade whenever possible while staying in air-conditioned buildings as much as you can.

If you do not have air conditioning at home, the city of Estevan will keep the leisure center open through the day. 

Environment Canada asks that people check on neighbours, family, and friends and have someone do the same for yourself.

The health risks are greater for older adults, infants and young children, pregnant people, people with physical and/or mental illnesses, and people with disabilities or mobility issues. 
