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The Weyburn Girl Guides will be back in our community. (File Photo from the previous Weyburn Girl Guides)

The Girl Guides of Canada is coming back to Weyburn. Cheryl Lake, Black Gold District Commissioner of Girl Guides, says they look forward to once again providing these opportunities for girls in the community.  

“Back when the pandemic started, we did lose quite a few units across the province and across Canada. Now, with everything being opened back up and girls looking for opportunity, we'd like to see it come back to Weyburn and allow youth members to find some fun adventures.” 

Girl Guides is a program designed to benefit young girls aged five to seventeen years old. 

 “There's district camps, units can even do their own camps, there's STEM activities. There's all kinds of things that can be done at unit meetings to help girls change the world around them and become powerful and leading women and girls for the rest of their lives.” 

Girl Guides also provide many opportunities for girls to go out and serve their communities. 

“I know the guides that I lead here in Stoughton, we've gone to Newhall Pioneer Lodge and spent some time with residents there. Other different groups have done clothing drives or book drives, things like that. There's community service projects as well. And I mean, who doesn't love Girl Guide cookies. When you buy a box of Girl Guide cookies from a local guide in your community, you're helping them continue with programming and things like that.” 

While the program is wanted back in the community, Lake emphasizes that volunteers are needed to open the units back up.  

“We can't run unit meetings or anything without them (volunteers) and volunteering doesn't have to take up too much of your time. A couple hours a week to be there and lead unit meetings, things like that.” 

Any women in the community, from young women over the age of eighteen, to grandmothers looking to get involved, are all welcome to become volunteers.  

“They go through the process of interviews and record checks and things like that, I am then contacted and then they're placed within a unit.” 

Find more information and apply to become a volunteer HERE.

“They can contact me if they're interested in either volunteering or registering their girl for Girl Guides. They can always call me at 306-421-3479.” 
