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The Town and County of Stettler have jointly approved a new financial incentive structure to recruit and retain physicians in the area.  

Both organizations have been collaborating with the provincial government, Drumheller-Stettler MLA Nate Horner, and Alberta Health Services (AHS) to address the urgency of healthcare shortage in the region.  

However, additional recruitment efforts are needed, prompting the approval of the funding structure.  

"This new financial incentive structure marks a significant step forward in our joint efforts to address the current physician shortage crisis in our region. By collaborating with the Town of Stettler and with the invaluable support of MLA Nate Horner, we are making strides to attract and retain physicians in our community. The severity of this issue demands immediate and proactive measures, and we believe this approved funding structure will enhance our recruitment efforts,” said County of Stettler Reeve Larry Clarke. “Our goal is to ensure our citizens and rural Albertans receive access to the healthcare services we deserve. We are deeply grateful for the unwavering commitment of our current physicians and healthcare professionals who continue to serve our community with dedication during these very challenging times."  

Town of Stettler Mayor Sean Nolls added that the incentive program will give the municipality a competitive advantage in bringing doctors to the area.  

“Although the overarching goal is to address our general physician shortage, this incentive program highlights the particular need for permanent anesthesiologists, and puts a focus on obstetrics,” he said.   

Physicians and health care professionals in the area are working to fill service gaps where necessary during the doctor shortage and participating in recruitment efforts.    

