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Kids running summer businesses should take some steps to make sure their work is safe.

With the summer still going strong any kids who want to set up a small summertime business should know how to stay safe.

This issue was highlighted earlier this week when a theft occurred from a lemonade stand operated by a child in Saskatoon. 

The Estevan Police Service's Deputy Chief Warren Morrical talks about some of the tips for parents who have a child running a summer business:

  1. Involve parental supervisions
  2. Choose a safe location with good visibility
  3. Know where and when your child is operating their business
  4. Check with the child frequently
  5. Set up in an area that has surveillance
  6. Remind children to be aware of their surroundings
  7. Have the child keep a cell phone with them in case of emergencies
  8. Have at least two kids use the buddy system at the business
  9. Use a lockable cashbox, periodically moving excess cash to a secure location
  10. Consider using digital payment options

As well, Morrical says that kids running those businesses can always call the EPS if they need help.

"I very much encourage my members to stop, and both have a chat with the kids that are out selling lemonade and those type of things and grab a glass whenever they can. Certainly, if there are any concerns from the child or from the parents, absolutely a telephone call to the Estevan Police Service would be a great idea. Most certainly we'll have members come out to see what's going on and have a chat with those that are there."
