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Home of the Weyburn Red Wings : Crescent Point Place
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Home of the Weyburn Red Wings: Crescent Point Place

As the hockey season draws near, the Weyburn Red Wings hope to score by having billet families to house players. 

Cody Mapes, head coach and general manager of the Red Wings, emphasized the importance of billets for the team’s success.

“At the end of the day, if we don’t have any billets, we don’t have a hockey team,” Mapes said. “It’s obviously essential to us. Over the last couple of years, we’ve really tried to make sure that our billets are truly part of the team and part of our family.”

Mapes noted that the team currently has a few spots that are still available and is eager to fill them.

 “We’re looking for two or three more billets over the next couple of weeks,” he said. “It’s crucial for us to continue bringing new people in because, as kids get older, there’s always a cycle. We appreciate our billets as much as we can, and we’re excited to start a new year.”

Billets are vital in helping players adjust to life away from home. They provide more than just a place to stay; they offer emotional support and a sense of belonging. 

“The players that spend three or four years here are not only connected with their billets for the duration of their stay but often for the rest of their lives,” Mapes explained. “When they’re part of that family, everything is better. They’re happier at the rink; they play better, and their schoolwork improves. Everything is better when you have a good home life.”

John Prette, a longtime billet for the Red Wings and the Weyburn Beavers shared his experience with the program. Prette and his wife began billeting in 2016 after relocating to Weyburn. 

“We decided to step up and support the team because we thought it would be a good way to integrate into the community,” Prette recalled. “We ended up establishing a lifelong relationship with our first billet. It was an extension of our family.”

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John Prette and his wife with their current billets from the Weyburn Beavers

Prette highlighted the broader impact of billeting on the community. 

“There’s a big need for billets, not just for the Red Wings but also for other local teams,” he said. “It’s partially a civic duty, but it also creates lasting friendships. You get to see these young athletes grow and improve their lives. For instance, we’ve had players who moved on to collegiate hockey, and we’re still in touch with them regularly.”

For those considering becoming a billet, Prette has some advice. 

“It’s a labour of love,” he said. “You’re not doing it to make money but to help a young athlete further their career. It’s incredibly rewarding. The relationships you build are lifelong. If you’re on the fence about it, I’d strongly encourage you to give it a try.”

As the new season approaches, the team is hopeful that the community will continue to rally around them, ensuring another successful year.
