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When it comes to diversity and inclusion, the town of Lanigan wants its words to lead to meaningful action. 

A step was taken with the adoption of a Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Action Plan at their recent council meeting on July 22.  

Chief Administrator Officer Ron McCollough noted that he alongside the Recreation Director Cadence Bulitzudel approached town council with the idea of the policy and plan earlier in the summer. After constructing the policy and plan, it proposed to town council, which was approved by council. 

The policy and plan for Lanigan is to affirm their commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.   

McCollough feels the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Action Plan is something the community will use when creating new programming so that programs, activities and services are accessible to everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, age, ability, gender, identity, sexual orientation, health care needs, social economic status or any other characteristic.  

He highlighted the recreation programs currently being considered in Lanigan as the Recreation Director is looking to create three new programs affecting three different age groups within the town.  

With the policy and action plan, it can serve as a guideline according to McCollough.  

“Then when we are developing these programs and events we want to touch on and ensuring that we’re compiling with the policy meeting council’s expectations.”  

As projects continue to develop near the community like Nutrien Potash Mine, the BHP Mine in Janzen and the SaskPower Generating Station that’s under construction, McCollough says Lanigan will experience growth, with the policy and action plan, it would help embrace welcoming all new residents.  

“It’s going to be a huge demand for the labour market and that’s not filled with people from the local community.” McCollough added “There will be a migration of people into the area and not all in Lanigan, but certainly we hope to catch that growth, it’s going to bring in diverse cultures, that’s how growth works, so let’s be prepared for that.”  

He noted the town would like to expand potential cultural events that they can offer, adding that they may explore ways to recognize Truth and Reconciliation Day on September 30 as one example. 

The entire Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Action Plan can be found at the Town of Lanigan’s website, also copies are available at the town office.  

Author Alias