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It is with deep sadness that our family announces the passing of Joan Elizabeth Olmstead, age 85 years, on July 15, 2024, at the Dr. F. H. Wigmore Regional Hospital in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. 

Mom was a wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother. There were many examples in her life where she showed her family they were the most important thing to her. We all consider ourselves very lucky to have known her and appreciate her presence in our lives. 

 As a child, mom had a great upbringing, having a very kind and loving father, and a mother who taught her to play the piano beautifully. We never had a piano in our home but whenever we happened to be somewhere that had one, she’d sit down and play. Mom also had a lovely singing voice and when we were kids she would sing during her chores, and we would often tell her she should have been a singer. She would say no, too shy. One of her great loves as a child, and who she would talk about a lot, was her faithful dog, Jack-dog. One of the only pictures we have of her as a child is with her lovely dog.

 As a young woman, one example of who she was to become was demonstrated when she enrolled in educational classes. She wasn’t allowed to add typing to the list of classes she needed, so she snuck into the typing class for the year and was kicked out when exam time came, but by then she had the skill. She used it many times during her career, including Army side Camp Borden, and later as secretary of Bushell Park School, at the Airforce base in Moose Jaw. 

On June 25, 1960, mom married her love, Richard (Bert) Olmstead, at St. George’s church, in Peterborough, Ontario. This union provided three wonderful children, Kevin, Heidi, and Jeff.  

Mom’s greatest joys included garage sales, gardening, looking through flyers and listing which stores to go to for the day, baking, sewing, birdwatching, and doing things for her family. As children we remember many times when there was only one piece of pie left, she would say she didn’t want any, and cut it 3 ways for us three kids. That’s the kind of person she was. We may not have appreciated that as children, but we do now. When garage sales were listed in the paper, mom would do a detailed look at the ads and places she wanted to go and have it all mapped out. Ask mom for any item, and she would have it within a week or two. All her grandchildren were decked out in the most beautiful garage sale finds. As children, our friends would come to play with us, but first ask if mom had made cookies. Mom also loved game shows. She would know the answer on Wheel of Fortune 90% of the time before the contestants did. We would often tell her she should have gone on a show like that. Mom didn’t even have a passport, preferring to stay close to family.

Mom spent her summers at their cottage in Ontario even though she was very afraid of water. She told us she wanted very much for her children to have and enjoy the cottage experience. That’s the kind of mother our mom was.  

 At the end of her days, mom continued to impress us, even in her situation, her sense of humour was a bright spot to keep us all going. Everyone commented how she was a gracious lady. Even when she desperately needed something from the nursing staff, she would hate to bother them. Gracious and kind were words used to describe our mother. Even the kitchen staff went beyond their scope to bring mom things she could eat and put a labelled container in the fridge on her ward.

All her children and grandchildren came or called from near and far to talk to her one last time. She was surrounded by family in her last days, and we will all miss her very much. 

Many thanks to Doctor Vermaak, and to Dr F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital, which includes the emergency staff, the surgical 3rd floor staff, the medical 2nd floor staff, the kitchen staff, even the cleaning crew, who mom welcomed into her room to do their work. 

Mom is survived by her husband, Richard (Bert) Olmstead; son Kevin (Joanne) Olmstead, granddaughters Lauran and Morgyn; daughter Heidi (Tom) Dwyer, grandsons Devan, Braeden, and Mackenzie; son Jeff Olmstead, granddaughters Andrea and Megan.  

Mom’s greatest wish was that she could communicate with her family till the end and God granted her that wish, passing only a day and a half after saying goodbye to us all one last time.


In living memory of Joan, a memorial planting will be made by W.J. Jones & Son Ltd. Please sign the memorial register at website: www.wjjonesandson.com (Obituaries).

Chrystine Dacey- Funeral Director

Author Alias