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A business has had its license suspended in Nanton after reports of a suspected scam.

Earlier this week, the Town of Nanton and FortisAlberta took to social media to let people know about the potential scam that they'd been notified about by the RCMP.

The RCMP had notified Fortis that someone posing as a FortisAlberta employee was going to people's homes to offer them solar services.

But, FortisAlberta doesn't offer solar services and they rarely approach customers at their front doors.

On Thursday, July 25th, the Town of Nanton took to Facebook to let people know they had identified Firefly Solar Inc. as the business linked to those actions.

Firefly Solar Inc. has held a business license with the Town of Nanton since 2023, but that license has now been revoked.

Door-to-door sales are allowed in the Town of Nanton, but it is regulated.

Any bylaw violations in Nanton can be reported to bylaw@nanton.ca.