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Two escorted convoys have been organized by MD of Bighorn for residents seeking to recover personal property after being forced to quickly evacuate the area. (map/MD of Bighorn)

The MD of Bighorn has organized two escorted convoys on Burnt Timber Rd./Stud Creek Rd. for people needing to recover personal property after being forced to quickly evacuate the area due to the Fallentimber Wildfire.

The first one leaves tomorrow, Wed. July 31, at 2 p.m. from the Burnt Timber Gas Plant. Participants must register on-site at the gas plant between 12 noon and 2 p.m. Picture identification is required.

The escort will depart the gas plant at 2 p.m. and will return there at 6 p.m. After recovering personal belongings, participants will be required to check out at the Burnt Timber Gas Plant when leaving the area.

The second one on Aug. 1 has identical times frames and requirements.

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Bucketing hotspots on the Fallentimber fire on July 27. (Photo/Albert Wildfire)

The Fallentimber Wildfire continues to be classified as being held, and given the current resources and anticipated weather, it is not expected to grow beyond pre-determined boundaries.

Updated mapping places it at 65.4 hectares, and active suppression continues. 

Response includes 22 wildland firefighters, two helicopters and access to airtanker support when required. Heavy equipment is now on standby should its use be required.

Approximately 90 per cent of the fire's perimeter is now contained with either dozer guard or hose line.

Random camping and public recreation areas in the Ghost Public Land Use Zone continue to be impacted.

The evacuation order issued by MD of Bighorn on July 23 remains in effect.

Road closures are in effect on Hwy. 579 (Harold Creek Road), Hwy. 40, Burnt Timber Road, and Stud Creek Road. Check Alberta 511 for updated road closure information.
