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In its fourth season, the Netflix series, Unsolved Mysteries has delved into the nearly decade-old death of an area woman, 31-year-old Amanda Antoni. Antoni was born in Calgary and raised in Carstairs. (Photo credit to Calgary Police Service / Facebook)
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In its fourth season, the Netflix series, Unsolved Mysteries has delved into the nearly decade-old death of an area woman, 31-year-old Amanda Antoni. Antoni was born in Calgary and raised in Carstairs. (Photo credit to Calgary Police Service / Facebook)


The nearly decade-old case of the death of an area woman, 31-year-old Amanda Antoni is being explored by the Netflix series, Unsolved Mysteries. Antoni was born in Calgary and raised in Carstairs.

Antoni's body was found by her husband Lee Antoni, in the basement of the couple's home on October 26, 2015, in Calgary's northeast in Castleridge. Initially, Calgary police treated the death as suspicious and believed the woman died two days before her body was discovered. Police would even make a public appeal several weeks after her death, asking for anyone to come forward with information on her movements and whereabouts in the days leading up to her death. 

However, one year later, in December 2016, police said that they had concluded the investigation into death Antoni's death, ruling that it was accidental. 

"Following a thorough investigation and after consulting multiple key experts it has been determined Antoni’s death was accidental as a result of a fall down the stairs," CPS stated in 2016. "As this death is no longer considered suspicious and is not criminal in nature, no further comment will be made."

However, on Wednesday, Calgary police released a statement in light of the case being featured on Netflix. Police said that throughout the 14-month investigation into her death, investigators spent countless hours pouring over evidence and consulting experts.

"Detectives sought expertise from our own Cyber/Forensics Unit and Forensic Crime Scenes Unit. Detectives also worked closely with The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Calgary, a biomechanics expert and the RCMP Behavioural Sciences Unit to review the evidence in the case," CPS stated.

And while the death was indeed ruled accidental, police admitted that some questions remained unanswered.

"As homicide investigators, it is our duty to seek closure and provide a victim’s family with answers, without a shadow of a doubt. In cases where questions remain, we will do everything in our power to uncover the truth. Our investigators are incredibly determined and have recently closed some of our most challenging unsolved cases. Whether an investigation is a week old or 30 years old, we remain relentless in our pursuit of justice and continue to dedicate our resources so that no stone is left unturned," said Staff Sgt. Sean Gregson of the CPS Homicide Unit

While the lead investigator in Antoni's death would continue to work with the family to try and uncover answers, in 2020 the case the case was submitted to Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries.

"...With the hope that new public attention on the case could resolve any outstanding doubt once and for all," police added.

An obituary posted online described Antoni as, 'high-spirited, talented as an artist and quick to make friends.'

"If you ever met her, you would never forget her since she was known for her quirky and zany antics such as her silver cowboy boots and matching hat. She loved her coffee and would rarely be seen without a large to-go cup. Her love of animals led her to take in two cats and a dog who were all rescue animals... Amanda was sensitive to other people’s feelings and had a passion for justice and doing what she felt was right. Not content to just talking about making things better for those in need, she was known to fill up backpacks with necessities and hand them out to the homeless people she came across in Calgary."

The episode, the second in the fourth season's installment, is titled Body in the Basement and is now available on Netflix; it features interviews with Antoni's family, including her husband, as well as Calgary Police investigators. It is noted at the end of the episode that the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner stated that Antoni's death remains undetermined. 

Anyone with information about Amanda Antoni’s death, or any other homicide investigation, is asked to contact police by calling 403-266-1234. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers. 

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