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Speeding and intersections were the focus of Estevan Police Services' latest traffic enforcement initiative.

The Estevan Police conducted a traffic enforcement initiative on Tuesday, issuing six tickets and several warnings to drivers.

Sergeant Tyler McMillen explained that officers on patrol often take the initiative to complete traffic enforcement during their shifts. In this case, they were concentrating on speeding and intersections.

"They got a couple of speeders, and four stop signs, I think is what it entailed in there, and some of the warnings where some of those people received tickets got warnings for other offences that were located at that time," McMillen said.

He noted traffic incidents are handled on a case-by-case basis. "Some people have been charged, some people get warnings for failing to signal a lane change or direction. We see that sometimes, and not everyone gets a ticket for that."

Offences include failing to signal a lane change or turn and not following road signs.

"Sometimes by that 711 on King Street there, some people are making a left turn or going straight across when they shouldn’t be," McMillen said. "We usually see that later at night when the traffic’s not as heavy. Generally, those people will be checked for impaired driving, but also just to warn them to follow the signage that is posted."

If drivers are not ticketed at the stop, officers will educate them on the improper use of the road.

"I think it was a good day, and it got them visible, and hopefully that will deter any other traffic issues," McMillen said.
