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Crocus 80 is hosting its yearly Summer Youth Theatre Program, and this year's production is expected to be the biggest yet.

According to Brittany Nightingale, the current secretary for Crocus80 and program facilitator, the turnout has been exceptional.

"We had 35 students register at the beginning," Nightingale reveals. "This is the largest group we've had, and it's incredibly exciting."

The program, free of charge for participants aged 8 to 18, offers a comprehensive introduction to the world of theatre. From acting on stage to technical aspects like lighting and costume building, the students gain hands-on experience in theatrical production. 

"The students help with every part of the process, from building props and costumes to working on technical elements," says Nightingale. "It's a great way for them to get outside their comfort zones, make new friends, and take a break from screen time."

This year's productions will feature two back-to-back one-act plays. "The first one is called The Fairytale Network, which is a whimsical reimagining of classic fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks," Nightingale explains. "The second play, Gone Bad, written by a local playwright, explores what happens when princesses decide to become villains."

The shows are set to take place tonight, and tomorrow, with performances starting at 7 p.m. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for both evenings. A matinee is also scheduled for Saturday at 1 p.m., with doors opening at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are priced at $10 for adults, $5 for youth, and free for children three and under. 

"The funds raised will help cover the costs of royalties and scripts, ensuring that we can continue offering this program in future years," says Nightingale.

For many participants, the program is not just about the performances but also about personal growth. 

"I always see a few nervous faces at the beginning, but watching them grow and develop over the six weeks is incredibly rewarding," Nightingale reflects. "It truly warms my heart."

Among the many children involved is Morgyn, who says she loves the program.

"For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be an actress. Putting myself out there and trying new things is always an option for me. When I heard about this great opportunity to have fun, meet new people, and do theatre, I signed up without hesitation. Though I haven't known all of the wonderful theatre folks for long, I can see we have all grown to love this production and truly try our best. I have enjoyed getting to know everyone and will always try my best to have fun and do exciting entertainment for all."
