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haybails cedoux
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File photo, taken near Cedoux, by Marna McManus.

The Weekly Crop Report for the week of July 23rd to 29th, released this morning from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, shows producers are gearing up for harvest season.

While many producers in the region are preparing harvest equipment and desiccating pulse crops, a few are just starting to harvest earlier-seeded pulses along with cereals that are being harvested for feed. 

Haying is nearing completion, and no second cut is anticipated due to the lack of moisture. No rain fell in the region during the week, with minimal rain (2 mm) being the most recorded in the Esterhazy and Tantallon areas.

With the persistent dry and hot conditions, topsoil moisture continues to decline. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 34 percent adequate, 57 percent short and nine percent very short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at 28 percent adequate, 62 percent short and 10 percent very short. Pasture topsoil moisture is 25 percent adequate, 57 percent short and 18 percent very short

The continued lack of moisture and high temperatures are also having an impact on pasture conditions, which are declining within the region. Currently, 30 percent of pastures are rated as good, 44 percent fair, 21 percent poor, and five percent very poor.

Crop damage over the past week has also been mainly due to the heat and lack of moisture. However, producers have reported gophers, grasshoppers, and aphids are still persisting. Wind has also caused lodging in some crops throughout the region, but overall minor damage was reported.
