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Some of the MAF Learn & Return Donna Lumgair 2024 Recipients
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Some of the MAF Learn & Return Donna Lumgair 2024 Recipients

It was described as a "leap of faith to reality" by Morden Menzies Medical Centre's Executive Director Nicole Walske, when speaking at the Morden Area Foundation (MAF) Learn & Return Donna Lumgair Bursary presentations on Tuesday in Morden's Suncatch Park. 

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Menzies Medical Centre Executive Director Nicole Walske

A bursary dreamed up by two Morden Citizens of Distinction Pat Gibson (2007) and Marilyn Skubovius (2021) in response to the Boundary Trails Health Centre (BTHC) expansion and the need it has created for increased staffing on an already, admittedly strained system, still needing more to meet the growing need in the Pembina Valley. 

The bursary was dreamed up by these two deeply invested citizens with the goal of raising a million dollars which at full maturity would grant $50,000 in scholarships each year, forever through the care of the Morden Area Foundation.   

In May 2024, this dream grew wings when Thornhill's David Lumgair donated $500,000 on behalf of his late wife, Donna Lumgair, a nurse who gave back to many organizations in many ways during her lifetime. (See the story below.)  

On Tuesday, the next milestone was reached with the first year of bursaries awarded to students from around the Pembina Valley in various stages of education for various medical positions.  

Gibson remarked, "No one thought we could do it, but the community did."  

She added, "It's wonderful to see young people starting to believe in themselves and are able to have some financial assistance. So, I thank the foundation for agreeing to carry out this idea, David Lumgair for committing to it, and for the community as a whole who has believed in it and has been very generous in also donating funds." 

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MAF Learn & Return Bursary Co-Founder Pat Gibson

Applications for the bursary closed May 31st. Thirty applications were received and seventeen were awarded on Tuesday.   

MAF board member Lenore Laverty explained the fund isn't at a million dollars yet, and the annuity of the Learn and Return Bursary will only be available in 2026. She thanked the RBC, the Morden Masonic Lodge Scholarship, the Richard and Emma Krueger and Leonard Krueger Scholarship, the Bill and Linda Fehr Scholarship and The Power of the Purse participants for contributing funds to allow money to be awarded this year. 

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MAF Board Member Lenore Laverty

Here are some responses from recipients of a Learn and Return Donna Lumgair Bursary. 

Morden's Amber Bezte is in medical school to become a doctor. 

"It's honestly an incredible feeling that this community is here and in need of the thing that I love to do so much, which is to practice medicine. I've been in Morden since the beginning of high school and my mom grew up in Miami, so Morden has always felt like home to me. My parents are here, and my husband's family is here, and it's just so exciting to think about continuing my future with family all around in this community.  

Winkler's Susie Dyck is going into the Medical Terminology Course for the Menzies Medical Centre. 

"Oh, I have no words. It means a lot. It helps me not only financially, but it's heartfelt knowing that we have such an amazing community with us that is willing to help out others within the healthcare field. I gave a lot of thought applying for this position as I initially came into the medical field for my mom who became ill. Ever since then, I have had great passion to make an impact." 

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MAF Learn & Return Bursary Recipients in attendance on Tuesday

With Assiniboine College offering an LPN program to help train nurses here in Morden, some of these students are recipients of a bursary. 

Altona's Gwen Harder was one of them. 

"It has been an amazing trip. We're actually almost done. I'm in my final weeks of practicum right now. The support means people trust us. They're willing to put some effort and time into us, to know they want us in their lives and in their hospitals and helping out."  

Morden's Julie Geake received this bursary and one from Morden's Linda Fehr in memory of her late husband Bill. A bursary for a mature student going back to school. 

"Receiving scholarships means so much. It was such a big decision to go back to school after many years and to go into nursing, it's always been a dream of mine. So, having the financial support, along with the other support that comes with it from the community, really means a lot."  

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LPN Student Julie Geake receiving the Bill and Linda Fehr Scholarship from Linda Fehr

RM of Stanley's Taya Wiebe is finishing her master's degree in occupational therapy, graduating in 2025.  

"This bursary means a lot to me because it shows how much my community cares and wants to further the education of the people in it. I'm really grateful to use this bursary to study and further my education and, hopefully one day, give back to the community that I'm a part of." 

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MAF board members, founders and recipients of the bursary and recipients.

Here is a full list of recipients, their community, their educational institution, and area of study.   

Beckman, Danielle Morden LPN at Assiniboine Community College 

Dyck, Susie Winkler Medical terminology at Robertson College 

Geake, Julie Morden Linda Fehr Scholarship plus $1,000 LPN at ACC 

Kwast, Johanna Hochfeld LPN at ACC 

Odlum, Jamie Morden Masters in Speech Pathology at Minot State U 

Schaefer, Noah Winkler Bachelor of Nursing at Red River 

Tesoro, Hanah Morden Health Unit Clerk course at Red River College 

Wiebe, Taya RM Stanley Masters in Occupational Therapy at UofM 

Just, Willi Winkler LPN at ACC 

Morgan, Alicia Morden LPN at ACC 

Peters, Vienna June Morden Doctor of Medicine at U of M 

Bezte, Amber Morden Doctor of Medicine at U of M 

Betke, Regina Miami LPN at ACC 

Harder, Gwendelyn Altona LPN at ACC 

Krainert, Jonas RM Stanley LPN at ACC 

Neufeld, Ladawn Morden LPN at ACC 

Frost, Katherine Morden LPN at ACC 

BTHC Director Of Health Services Joel Nelson is confident things at the hospital are moving in the right direction, noting there are more applications for the many jobs available coming in. He added, recruitment and retention are crucial pieces of the puzzle, and this bursary is a good example of the community support needed to move forward. 

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BTHC Director of Health Services Joel Nelson

Morden Area Foundation Executive Director Sue Nelson said, "This is the essence of what community foundations should be doing, listening to their community, and helping those dreams come true."  

