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After a report of an individual consuming cannabis in a vehicle earlier this week, the police are reminding the public to adhere to the rules for transporting cannabis.

According to the Cannabis Control Act, it is lawful to transport cannabis in a vehicle from a place where it was lawfully obtained to a place where it may be lawfully kept or consumed, or from one lawful place to another.

Tyler McMillen, a sergeant with the Estevan Police Service, said it is similar to purchasing alcohol.

“If the person just purchased it and then stopped somewhere, that’s where it becomes illegal. If they continue on and go right to their home, then that’s just fine.”

He added that if a person had been located when the police arrived, they would likely have received a ticket under the Cannabis Control Act, resulting in a $360 fine. The same could be applied to a passenger in the vehicle.

If the person consuming the cannabis had been found driving the vehicle, the consequences could have been more severe, including a driver's suspension and a vehicle impoundment.

“We encourage people that if they choose that recreational substance to take it directly home, and not do it in the car.”
