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Swimmers at Winkler Aquatic Centre

With the recent stretches of high temperatures, one would think that aquatic centres like Winkler's would be the place to be. The story, however, is a little different due to the high humidity that has accompanied the temperatures.  

Dean Klassen and Brooke Thiessen, co-programmers at the Winkler Aquatic Centre, say that there seems to be a trend of people opting to stay indoors on particularly humid days, which creates some slower afternoons at the pool. 

“Even with some of the humid weather, we're expecting it to be quite busy and we're not getting the numbers that we kind of expect,” says Thiessen. “So I think that does play a role for sure.” 

According to the co-programmers, braving the high temperatures and humidity to enjoy some time at the Winkler Aquatic Centre is very attainable with the right tools.  

Klassen says that sunscreen and water are a must, of course, but also things that one may not immediately think to bring to the pool, such as a hat or umbrella for protection against the sun. Klassen notes that the aquatic centre has umbrellas, but they can be snatched up quickly on a particularly busy day, so bringing one’s own ensures its availability. Of course, the best way to combat the heat and humidity at the pool is simple — get into the water. 

Thiessen adds even if one is keeping cool by swimming in water, it is still important to keep drinking it.  

“Drinking water [is important] when you're swimming around,” she says. “Sometimes you don't realize that you're getting a little bit dehydrated, so . . . always have water and just make sure you're actually drinking it throughout the day.” 

The lifeguards on duty at Winkler Aquatic Centre also take measures to ensure that they stay safe in the heat and humidity. In addition to the heat-protection items above, they also have access to a freezer of cool treats during their breaks. 

“They do get used to it for sure, but it is still hot,” says Thiessen. “We even sometimes come around with a little spray bottle to give them some water throughout the afternoon.”  

For anyone who would like to visit the Winkler Aquatic Centre, there will be free swims during the upcoming Harvest Festival weekend (August 9th-11th) from Friday to Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.   
“We have a 350 capacity,” says Klassen. “It's kind of first come first served, just to make sure that we have enough guards and supervision to make sure it's safe for everyone.” 

The aquatic centre is also organizing a young adult swim event for August 21st. Klassen says that the details of this event are not yet settled but interested community members can keep an eye on Winkler Aquatic Centre’s Instagram page for updates.  

Ultimately, Klassen encourages everyone to look after themselves as they spend time swimming this summer. 

“Even if you're not at the pool, [watch] out for symptoms of heat stroke [and] heat exhaustion,” says Klassen. “[Whatever] you're doing this weekend, stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of yourself.” 

Listen to the full interview with Klassen and Thiessen below. 

~With files from Alexander Peters and Abby Wall~ 

Audio file