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Photo by Natasha Wiebe
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Rio Lopez is in front of his favourite building, the school. (Photo by Natasha Wiebe)

Heritage Village Days are back on August 9th and 10th. The event showcases all of the community's rich history in an interactive way.

Rio Lopez, one of the tour coordinators, says this is an event that has something for everyone.

"Heritage Village Days is all about celebrating our heritage and how things used to be. We'll have activities like rope making, ice cream making, and butter making, as well as other events that highlight traditional skills."

Attendees will have the opportunity to explore all of the village's historic houses, which will be open for tours throughout the weekend.

This year is a first for Lopez, but he is optimistic about the turnout.

"I've never planned an event before, but we're starting to push out advertising now, and I think lots of people will come. We've had a great turnout in the past, so I'm hopeful for this year as well."

Heritage Village is a non-profit organization, and attendees are encouraged to support it through donations. A donation bin will be available on-site for admission, making this event affordable for any Weyburn household.

He notes that there are many sites that everyone has to check out. However, Lopez has a personal favourite.

"If you have kids, they'll really enjoy the school," Lopez said. "There are lots of things they can touch and play with."

You can learn more about the Heritage Village by clicking here.

