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Morden's Land Titles Building on the corner of 8th and Stephen Streets
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Morden's Land Titles Building on the corner of 8th and Stephen Streets

The City of Morden is partnering with Hive Development Group to revitalize a piece of the city's heritage.
Council has awarded the Option to Purchase the former Land Titles building, at 351 Stephen Street, to the local firm, marking the beginning of a project that promises to breathe new life into the landmark.

Mayor Nancy Penner explained, the City purchased the building from the Province of Manitoba after the Land Titles branch was privatized and relocated to a different part of the city. 

"Just because then the City had a little bit of control that if it went for public sale, it wouldn't be torn down," she added. "We like to preserve the history in our community and the stone buildings are a huge part of Morden's history and to preserve that, was important to the City."

Penner added, the City is excited to partner with Hive to revitalize this key piece of Morden's downtown.

"When you look across the street, they're going to be facing the clock tower and that's a 1913-year building. The one across the street is a 1901 building," she said. "Kiddie corner to that we've got Appelt's Diamonds, and I think they have to be the longest-standing retailer in town. Benjamen Appelt opened his store in 1938. So, history at 8th and Stephen, the centre of Morden, wow! And now to have this building being refurbished, what a great story for Morden."

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Heather and James Francis, Owners of Hive Development Group

Over the next year, Hive Development Group will engage with a variety of experts to devise a rehabilitation plan that ensures the building's longevity for future generations. The plan will include meticulous restoration of the building's unique exterior features, a strict condition included in the City's request for proposals. 

"There's structural considerations to be made," noted Penner. "When (Hive's) proposal came back and it was selected, we're excited. And of course, they have history in Morden with some of the designs and work that they've done in the city."

As for the interior of the building, it be completely transformed to feature commercial spaces on the ground floor and residential units above. 

"This blend of uses not only aligns with our vision for a vibrant downtown Morden but also contributes to the city's economic and social fabric," outlined a statement from the City. 

As mentioned, the full restoration plan has yet to be finalized and will need to be approved by Council before any work takes place.

With files from Robyn Wiebe
