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Photo by Steven Wilson taken during Tuesday's grand opening of the new Pickleball courts in Weyburn.

While the heat this past week has kept many Weyburn residents indoors, there were still some photos captured showing highlights of events and nature we wanted to share.

Cover photo; Read more: Fastest-growing sport finds a home in Weyburn: New courts open for play

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Photo by Natasha Wiebe of staff member Rio Lopez giving a tour of Heritage Village on Thursday. Read more: Step back in time: Weyburn Area Heritage Village gears up for annual celebration

Two of the young children who helped raise more than $800 for Mainprize Manor this week did an interview for our story.

Read more: Small stand, big heart: Midale kids' lemonade stand raises over $800

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Photo of Sutter Hoium and Korbin Martinson taken by Natasha Wiebe.
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Local photographer Dylan Grant had help from his mom Janelle Kincaid for photos of the northern lights near Weyburn this past week (photo by Janelle Kincaid, courtesy of Dylan Grant).
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Photo by Natasha Wiebe of a boat in Ralph that has its own story - stay tuned for that this week.

Located in the east end of Weyburn, a take-a-stick option for dogs who want to play was spotted by Robin Davison: 

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Photo courtesy of Robin Davison.
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Photo by Marna McManus of one of two tomato plants growing in the downtown flower beds.
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There is a mourning dove in this tree in Weyburn - can you see it? (photo by Marna McManus).

