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SaskPower's Rural Rebuild Program is bringing new powerlines to the Midale area, these improvements will also bring some power poles off farmland and into road allowances. Despite this, famers still need to be cautious of power poles while working or moving machinery, especially with harvest starting up soon.  

Scott McGregor, media relations consultant for SaskPower stresses the importance of power line awareness. 

“If anyone's heading out into the field with any sort of large equipment, if you're starting harvest, if you're just getting the last little bit of spraying in there, make sure that you are operating up there with extreme safety, extreme caution.” 

SaskPower advises farmers to take frequent breaks and begin every workday well rested. Operators of equipment should be aware of nearby power lines and make use of spotters to avoid collisions. Make sure to plan routes when transporting large machinery. A map of all Saskatchewan powerlines can be found HERE.  

In case of a downed power line, stay ten meters away and report it to SaskPower. If equipment contacts a downed power line, operators should remain inside and call SaskPower or 911 if it’s an emergency. As a last resort if the machinery is on fire, operators can jump away from the vehicle as far as possible, keeping both feet together and arms crossed, and hop at least ten meters to safety. Never touch a vehicle in contact with a power line.  

Find more information and safety tips HERE
