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Jailhouse Rock 2024
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Jailhouse Rock will be featured over the next two weeks at the Souris Valley Theatre.

The Souris Valley Theatre will be rocking the southeast with a performance of Jailhouse Rock set to kick off this weekend.

The show will play for the first time on Monday night, running until the 9th and then picking back up from the 12th to the 16th.

Joseph Shane McLellan, who plays Johnny Cash in the production, was out with the rest of the crew at the Estevan Farmers Market to promote their show.

He says that getting to perform a song in front of an audience of marketgoers is a first for him.

"This is the first time I've done a farmer's market. I mean, we sang in public quite a few times, but I think we've been asked to do it for Grease, but we were also busy with that one with all the choreo, we just didn't have the time. But luckily this this one has a little bit less choreo. So we managed to be able to find a little bit of time and hang out with you good people."

McLellan originally grew up in Estevan before he moved to Regina when he was eight, and he's happy to see that Estevan is doing well as he's made his return.

"It's fun, you know, everyone's just here for a good time and to see what's happening. It's good to have, like a place for the community to kind of gather and just interact in a free space, if you know what I mean."

The show, which kicks off on Monday, has had a lot of practice put into it and McLellan says he's excited.

"I'm looking forward to it a lot. You know, we got some really good songs and an amazing, amazing cast. Everyone is really fun to work with and they bring a lot to the stage. Since we've already done one show, I kind of have an idea of, the great audiences that we have that come and they get really involved and interact with us quite a bit. So I'm really looking forward to it."

Showtime for Jailhouse Rock at the Souris Valley Theatre will be at 7:30 p.m. from August 5-9 and 12-16.
