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The Alberta RCMP are looking to curb a spike in vehicle thefts.

There were a reported 8,710 auto thefts reported in Alberta in 2023, with 3,932 so far this year.

According to the RCMP, trucks are the most commonly stolen vehicle.

They’re reminding Albertans not to fall out of their routines during the summer months, and to maintain habits that make vehicle thefts and theft from vehicles more difficult for would-be thieves.

Their tips include parking in a garage or a well-lit area whenever possible.

Vehicles should also be locked at all times, with the windows fully rolled up.

Valuables should also be concealed or removed from vehicles completely, along with garage door openers, as the latter can allow thieves to enter garages and/or homes.

The RCMP will be sharing further tips all month long under the hashtag #AutoRoutine.