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McQuoit Farmer's Market
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The August 3 Farmers Market saw a new person take the role of site manager.

Estevan's farmers market has been enjoying the summer season, connecting the community with bakers, artisans, and more through the event.

With the summer season midway through, a new face has taken the reins as the site manager role has been switched out.

We talked with Erin McQuoid, the new site manager, about her taking over the role starting on the first market of August.

"I have the receipt book. I've collected all the dues, I go around next and collect other details that we like to have from each market. This is really well run with a great turn out from the community to support our local vendors, so I am just learning all the steps. I got to blow the whistle to start the market today at 8:30. So one of the more important roles of opening the market, blowing that whistle."

McQuoid says that so far the market has been having a good year with plenty of visitors.

"It's been a really good market this year. We were able to have a generous donation come in from one of our board members so that we could purchase tickets to each show of the Souris Valley Theatre and then we were doing a raffle. So we had over 330 people here for a raffle."

"Then each week leading up to these shows, we were able to give away 2 tickets, so it drew in a really big crowd for the market and I think the vendors have all really appreciated the collaboration with the Souris Valley Theatre and the Estevan Farmers Market." 

That collaboration came in the form of performers singing songs at the market, promoting their upcoming performance of Jailhouse Rock.

"What a good way for us to plan to combine it all together in one location on a Saturday at our market, we've got the local vendors with baking, microgreens, crocheting, flowers, pickles, all kinds of vegetables," said McQuoid, "So when you compare the music that they produce down at the theatre with that kind of environment, I think it's a win-win for everyone."

McQuoid says she'd love to see more local talent appear at future Farmers Markets.

She's also excited about the summer season and the rest of 2024.

"I think it's just going to get better and better. I know the crops are looking good too, and so are the gardens for our market vendors that have all the gardens. Then we'll get into more of a pickling season, so lots of different things are coming out. I think it's just that right time of year for the market to really explode in August when everything is fresh and ripe and ready for the picking."
