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The area is filled with beautiful wildlife, and the Weyburn Wildlife Federation (WWF) is helping families learn about it this summer with its first-ever Family Day on August 24th. 

The WWF's Youth Coordinator, Keyanna Swanson, says the event is affordable for any family because it is free. 

"There's going to be lunch available for purchase, but it is free. We just ask that people register so that we can make sure we have enough supplies and volunteers for everybody."

Swanson says there will indeed be something for everyone at this event, from learning archery and about nature and its habitat to learning all the basics of fishing. 

"No equipment or experience is needed. We're looking to have a fun day and get some people out to learn some archery and fishing skills. There is also going to be an opportunity to build a little birdhouse to take home. Give people time to explore with a little nature hunt that'll help teach people about our habitat. "

She also mentions that community support in the area means a lot to the WWF. 

"We have an annual banquet in the spring, and many local businesses and people from the community help us with that and donations. That is just one of our ways of giving back and getting some more people involved and interested in our wildlife. "

Swanson notes the excitement of the event now that it is approaching.  

"We weren't sure how something like this would go since we haven't done it before. It's obviously going to be a learning experience for us, but we are excited to see everybody that is also excited for it."

Overall, the goal of this event is to get many people excited; as Swanson notes, many of the people who are already involved within the WWF have family members or other connections to the club. 

To learn more about the event and to register, click here
