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Standing Water - File from CJ on Pixabay

The summer sun and heat have picked up, but it was only a month ago when we were seeing what at the time felt like rain that would never end.  

During the July rainfalls, people’s focus had been on flooding, washed out roads, water damage, and the agricultural difficulties that come with having plus ten-centimeter rains. In the aftermath of downpours like we saw, those are the things that are easy to remember.  

However, a different topic was brought up at the last Winkler City Council meeting in the aftermath of the rain. The standing water left behind on vacant lots.  

City of Winkler Mayor Henry Siemens expounded on the subject, “That standing water is annoying in a number of different ways; but one in particular... those become mosquito breeding grounds.”  

Mayor Siemens confirmed that a solution to the problem has not been settled on as of yet, but says, “We have identified the problem. We’ve sent it back to our transportation committee to start to consider solutions.” 

Click below to hear the full interview with Mayor Henry Siemens. 

Audio file