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New cedar planks were added across the bridge span, and also at lookout points along the way

You may be able to catch the aroma of new cedar planks in Altona's Buffalo Creek Nature Pond. Mayor Harv Schroeder is happy to report the pedestrian bridge project is completed.

"If you noticed some renovations happening on the bridge at the Buffalo Creek Nature Pond, I am happy to announce that this project is finally complete with brand new cedar planks."

Meanwhile, Altona's Public Works department has had a lot of projects on the go in recent weeks.

"Their current project is backfilling and landscaping a new walking path between McKinley Cove and 2nd St SW," explained the Mayor. "They will also be doing sewer flushing soon, stay tuned to our website and social media for more details about this."

In addition to those items, Schroeder noted the new section of the cemetery was hydroseeded a couple weeks ago, and it is being maintained and watered, so hopefully there will healthy green grass there, soon.

Meanwhile, construction crews are working on various streets around town. They are making great progress, and are still on track to have these road repairs completed by the end of summer.

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The path between McKinley Cove and 2nd Street SW

You can listen to the entire In the Mayor's Chair conversation, below.

Audio file